Multiple trichoblastomas. Case report and literature review

Karen M. Buitrago, Servicio de Dermatología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medicáncer, Medellín, Colombia
Juan P. Ospina, Centro de Investigaciones Dermatológicas CIDERM, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia
Luisa F. Gómez, Centro de Investigaciones Dermatológicas CIDERM, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia

Trichoblastoma is a rare benign adnexal tumor, which may present de novo or pre-existing lesions; being the most common occurrence in the sebaceous nevus of Jadassohn. Its main location is the head, presenting clinically as an asymptomatic papule. Cases have also been described in the medical literature of lesions with giant forms, ulcerated nodules and multiple pigmented centrofacial forms. The clinical and histopathological diagnosis is difficult to perform due to the similarity with other adnexal tumors, mainly with basal cell carcinoma. The treatment of this tumor when it presents a single lesion is usually resection, but in multiple lesions its management is complex.

Keywords: Trichoblastoma. Adnexal tumor. Multiple lesions.